
Before anything else, values come first. Without clear, shared values, we wander independently and contradict one another. Everything’s harder when we all believe different things about what’s important to us, our company.

Key values:

Helping small businesses deal with growth

Growth happens.

Growth makes a lot of things more difficult - people don’t know each other as well, information is harder to find, stuff gets lost, communication becomes muddled, it becomes harder to stay on top of everything that’s going on, etc. What worked for 3 or 5 people, doesn’t work as well at 6 or 8. And certainly not 10, 15, 25 or more.

At some point, growing small businesses need a system, something to stay organized, something to grow with so they don’t lose control of themselves along the way. Company-wide communication, team-based communication, and project work needs a home.

Most companies cobble together a latticework of separate tools as they grow, but the weight of disorganization and lack of order collapses and eventually catches up to them. Email doesn’t cut it anymore. More meetings aren’t going to solve the problem. And increasingly, incessant chatting creates exponentially more communication without the necessary structure and context to make it useful.

This is where Basecamp comes in.

Basecamp helps growing companies organize their projects, internal communications, and client work in one place so they have a central source of truth. People know what to do, they know where things are, it’s clear where things stand, and everyone’s accountable.

This is what we do here. It takes many forms, and we’re always working towards a more perfect system, but we help groups of people get their shit together - and keep it together - so they can do their best work with their team, in their company, for their own customers.