
Please update the personal information of your Blendle Google account with your phone number. You can find the contact details of all your colleagues in this directory (not public).


  1. Set up your accounts
  2. Get some basic intel
  3. Introduce yourself

Google (G Suite)

We use Google G Suite for email, calendars, spreadsheets and documents. We will set you up with a personal Google account ([username], which is your identity within Blendle. You can use this account to sign in to both internal (e.g. 'goals', 'get-a-room') and external apps and services (through single sign-on).

Part 1: setting up your accounts and tools

You can log in at: http[s://

Note that two-step verification is mandatory. You will be required to set this up at your first login. You can find more information at the help page.


We use Slack for internal communication. This gives us all the ability to stalk each other, use GIFs, work on Slack-bots, etc. etc. It comes as a web app, iOS app, Android App, OSX app and Windows app. Just download the apps for your platforms of choice. With **this link** you can create your own Slack account with your @blendle account (SSO for the win!). You can join all the revenant channels of your choice. Slack can also be a big distraction, so make sure to **check out the do-not-disturb-functionalities.** If you run into any trouble, just let me know.


I’ve also sent you an invite (on your Blendle mail) for Trello. We use it for all sorts of things. Of course the occasional sprint planning but support uses it to flag issues and get them on sprints for example. Here you’ll find (not a public link) the overview board for the whole of Blendle. Have a look around. When joining your team you’ll know soon enough which board to join.