Benoit Cotte, the co-founder & product manager at the company Partoo wrote a great article about who he takes decision at his company. You can read the entire article here.
Here are some interesting things. I'll just use Benoit's own words:
The secret: a structured document with each section for a given purpose
Below is a close-to-reality example of a document inspired by a real use case I had.
You can access the decision doc Notion template here - it features additional instructions.

A few details and tips I want to stress out:
- About the name of the file: it must be straightforward whether the decision is closed or not. I use a prefix [open] or [closed] to do so.
- About the context: it must be concise - no more than three short bullet points if you want your colleagues to read it.
- About the options: I saw a better commitment when I made short commented videos describing options using Loom software. Especially for UX decisions. Also, each option should have a short name - so that it is easy to relate to them.
- About the timeline: I usually add one or two extra steps I will follow once the decision is closed. It helps stakeholders gain context about where this decision sits.
- About the comments: make sure to write your comment first by stating which option you prefer. It also indicates that by the date you mentioned on the timeline, if no one takes part in the decision, you will be selecting your preferred option.
- About the “decision taken” section: I generally add it at the top of the document once the decision is closed. It makes it super clear about what was agreed upon for later consultation of the material.
You can read the rest of the article here.
Also Benoit will write pretty extensively about decision making so make sure to subscribe to his newsletter if you feel like you wanna learn more about this topic.