Chief Snow Officer @ Snowball

I am currently building a company called Snowball in the Wealth Management landscape. Snowball is currently a newsletter, and a community, but stay tuned for more (or subscribe to Behind the Curtain, the newsletter where I build Snowball in public).

About Me

Welcome to my personal homepage.

You'll find different things here, but mostly professional stuff.

I was born in 1987 in Marseille then raised in the south of France somewhere in Le Var.

πŸ‘ I love sports (especially running), to build rocket models (like rockets that can actually fly), tattoos (I've got 3 so far), building stuff (online and offline), finance, fintech, insurtech, new models of organization, reading, learning, studying, traveling, and helping people.

πŸ‘Ž I don’t really like clubs, trendy and crowded bars where you can't talk, small talks, fake marketing and branding, and manipulative marketing.

Where you can find me

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Twitter


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Medium


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> LinkedIn


Snowball, wealth management for humans

I am currently building a Fintech in the personal finance/wealth management landscape. If you read french you can subscribe to the newsletter right here: πŸ‘‡

Behind the Curtain, building Snowball in public

If you're interested in following the construction of Snowball, you can subscribe to Behind the Curtain right here: πŸ‘‡