- We want to make sure you’re productive all the time, and we want to equip you with best machines possible.
- If you need a machine. We’ll buy one for you. This will be an Ubuntu machine with a decent Processor, RAM and SSD. Most of the work we do happens on Ubuntu & We support Open Source Software. We DONT provide Windows and Mac machines at this point. - However we’ll get you a Linux box and you can install Windows on it, if you want. We have few Windows licences available. Talk to @nawazdhandala to get one.
- This will be a Company laptop and In the event of you leaving the company this should be returned to Company HQ in Hyderabad, India or to any other Employee who might need one.
- To Request one: Please sign here.
- You’re ONLY eligible for this if you’ve worked more than 3 months with us.
- We also do RAM upgrades as well. If you want to request RAM, Please sign the same document.
- If a machine is available from past employees that we consider is good, we will courier that to you instead and not buy a new one.
- If a machine is returned from an employee that is old. It will be donated to an NGO.
- If you fail to return the equipment after you leave the company. We might see this as theft of company’s property, and we’ll file a report with local police.
- Employees only in India and in the United States are eligible for this. We’re working on to have this in other countries soon.