
To be honest, we're coming from quite far away. Before being comet, when I joined the company back in January 2017, comet was skillee and here how it looked like:

Not bad but definitely not great!

Blue and white, just like 80% of B2B companies out there.

Fortunately, another company had a name closed to ours and forced us to find a new one. Perfect timing as we wanted to completely rethink our Brand from the ground up.

Our mission and vision were written down pretty basically but we all knew deeply what it was: building the future of work for a more fulfilling work environment. That's how we defined it in 2017.

A basic brand platform

Even before changing our name, we built a simple, one-pager, brand platform. It looked like that:

As you can see it was far from being perfect and complete but it was OK. We knew what we wanted the essence of our brand to be.

You can download the ppt it here.


The first step of our rebranding was to find a new name. Something that'd resonate with our vision but also with our taste, the taste of the founding team (early employees + founders).

We probably did all the possible naming workshop we found on Google. Fail.

We hired some naming experts on Fiverr to find a new name. Fail.

Then we worked with our Design agency : Lord, and they helped us to coin the name comet.

Comet was born.

We could not afford the at that time so we bought not perfect but good enough. Many people called us hellocomet but that was fine.